Source code for fyodor.core

from netCDF4 import Dataset                                             
import os                                                               
import numpy as np                                                    
import time                                                             
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import glob
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, AltAz
from astropy.time import Time
from import clear_download_cache
from astropy.constants import R_earth
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import wget
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

__all__ = ['rename_nc', 'download_nc', 'tpw', 'pwv']


[docs]def rename_nc(directory): """ Rename GOES-R .nc files downloaded via subscription. It removes the order number at the start of the filename. This must be done so that the pwv function can retrieve measurements in chronological order. Parameters ---------- directory : str Directory path containing the files. """ os.chdir(str(directory)) full_direc = os.listdir() for i in range(len(full_direc)): try: tmp = int(full_direc[i].split('.')[0]) dst = full_direc[i].split('.')[1] + '.' + full_direc[i].split('.')[2] src = full_direc[i] os.rename(src, dst) except Exception: pass
def create_folder(directory): try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) else: os.chdir(directory) except OSError: print("Error: Creating directory." + directory) def download_file_wget(url): local_filename = url.split('/')[-1] return url
[docs]def download_nc(url, directory, date, n_threads=5): """ Download .nc files from the NOAA webpage after manually requesting the dataset and store them in a new folder Parameters ---------- url : str Website provided by NOAA with the requested files directory : str Path where a folder with the files should be created date: str, Format dd mm yyyy Day when the measurement took place n_threads: int, number of threads to use to download files """ any_day = str(date) date = time.strptime(any_day, '%d %m %Y') create_folder(str(directory) + "/Data PWV {}".format(any_day)) os.chdir(directory + '/Data PWV {}'.format(any_day)) url = str(url) r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') TableContent ='table tr a') Content = [] for i in range(0, len(TableContent)): Contentt = TableContent[i]['href'].split('/')[-1] Content.append(Contentt) if len(str(date[7])) == 1: subs = '{}'.format(date[0]) + '00' + '{}'.format(date[7]) elif len(str(date[7])) == 2: subs = '{}'.format(date[0]) + '0' + '{}'.format(date[7]) elif len(str(date[7])) == 3: subs = '{}'.format(date[0]) + '{}'.format(date[7]) #Modified this so that we know how many files to download before we start. FileName = [i for i in Content if subs in i] FileName = [path for path in FileName if not os.path.exists('./'+ path)] urls = [] for i in range(0, len(FileName)): urlstemp = url + "/" + FileName[i] urls.append(urlstemp) print('There are %s files to download' % len(urls)) for ii in range(0, len(urls), n_threads): slice_item = slice(ii, ii + n_threads, 1) files = ThreadPool(len(urls[slice_item])).imap_unordered(download_file_wget, urls[slice_item]) # Need to do this print so that it waits before starting the next batch. for f in files: print('%s complete' % f) print("All files downloaded!")
[docs]def pwv(directory, location, P_min, P_max, line_of_sight='zenith', RA=None, Dec=None, plot=False, csv=False): """ Compute the precipitable water vapor (PWV) at ``location`` at zenith or in direction of ``line_of_sight``. Parameters ---------- directory : str Working directory with GOES-R files in it location : str, {"Cerro Paranal", "San Pedro Martir", "Other"} The input "Other" leads to a dialog window where the user has to enter the latitude and longitude (in degrees) of the location of interest P_min : float Lower pressure level (lower altitude). Range between 1100 and 0.05 (hPa) P_max : float Upper pressure level (higher altitude). Range between 1100 and 0.05 (hPa) line_of_sight : str, {"target", "zenith"} Either compute line of sight to the target or to the zenith. RA : float Right ascension of target (in degrees) Dec : float Declination of target (in degrees) plot : bool Generate a plot of the PWV at each time. csv : bool Generate a csv file of the PWV at each time. Returns ------- dates : list PWV : `~numpy.ndarray` LVT : `~numpy.ndarray` LVM : `~numpy.ndarray` """ # Access working directory os.chdir(directory) nc_filesT = glob.glob('*OR_ABI-L2-LVTPF*') nc_filesT = sorted(nc_filesT) nc_filesM = glob.glob('*OR_ABI-L2-LVMPF*') nc_filesM = sorted(nc_filesM) # Open the first file to retrieve earth parameters Proj_info = Dataset(nc_filesT[0],'r') proj_info = Proj_info.variables['goes_imager_projection'] lon_origin = proj_info.longitude_of_projection_origin H = proj_info.perspective_point_height+proj_info.semi_major_axis r_eq = proj_info.semi_major_axis r_pol = proj_info.semi_minor_axis # Retrieve pressure data P = Proj_info.variables['pressure'][:] Proj_info.close() Proj_info = None # Retrieve time data g16_data_file = [] t = [] epoch = [] date = [] day = [] hour = [] for i in range(0, len(nc_filesT)): g16_data = nc_filesT[i] g16_data_file.append(g16_data) g16 = Dataset(g16_data_file[i], 'r') ttemp = g16.variables['t'][:] t.append(ttemp) epochtemp = 946728000+ int(t[i]) epoch.append(epochtemp) datetemp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(epoch[i])) date.append(datetemp) daytemp = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y", time.gmtime(epoch[i])) day.append(daytemp) hourtemp = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(epoch[i])) hour.append(hourtemp) # Use astropy.time to keep format for target coordinates: times = Time(date, format='iso', scale='utc') # Barometric formula p0 = P[0] #hPa R_D = 287 #Jkg-1K-1 g = 9.81 #m/s2 T_s = 288 #K L = -0.0065 #K/m h = (T_s/L)*((P/p0)**(-L*R_D/g)-1)*u.m e = np.sqrt((r_eq**2-r_pol**2)/(r_eq**2)) #Eccentricity # Coordinates input in degrees #lat = 30.9058267 For San Pedro Mártir #lon = -115.4254954 For San Pedro Mártir #lat = -24.6240 For Cerro Paranal #lon = -70.4025 For Cerro Paranal if location == 'Cerro Paranal': latdeg = -24.6230 londeg = -70.4025 site = 'Cerro Paranal' elif location == 'San Pedro Martir': latdeg = 30.9058267 londeg = -115.4254954 site = 'San Pedro Mártir' elif location == 'Other': site = 'Lat; {} degrees Lon: {} degrees.'.format(latdeg, londeg) print('First type latitude coordinate, hit Enter, then longitude coordinate and Enter again.') print('Latitude valid range: [-81.3282, 81.3283] \n' 'Longitude valid range: [-156.2995, 6.2995]') print('\n' 'Latitude:') latdeg = input() while float(latdeg)<-81.3281 or float(latdeg)>81.3283: print('Invalid latitude range. Enter a value between -81.3282 and 81.3283') print('Latitude:') latdeg = input() print('\n' 'Longitude:') londeg = input() while float(londeg)<-156.2995 or float(londeg)>6.2995: print('Invalid longitude range. Enter a value between -156.2995 and 6.2995') print('Longitude:') londeg = input() latdeg = float(latdeg) londeg = float(londeg) # Pressure level boundaries P_minb = np.abs(P-P_min).argmin() P_maxb = np.abs(P-P_max).argmin() loc = EarthLocation(lat=latdeg*, lon=londeg* # Convert from radian to degrees: raddeg = 180/np.pi if line_of_sight == 'zenith': latt = latdeg lont = londeg elif line_of_sight == 'target': RA = float(RA) Dec = float(Dec) Sky = SkyCoord(ra=RA*, dec=Dec* Aa = Sky.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=times, location=loc)) latt = Dec lont = RA # Computes PWV along line of sight if line_of_sight == 'target': INDEX = np.ravel(np.where(<30)) INDEXP = np.ravel(np.where(>30)) # Keep time values corresponding to Alt above 30 degrees EPOCH = epoch for index in sorted(INDEX, reverse=True): del EPOCH[index] HOUR = [] for i in range(0, len(epoch)): HOURt = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(EPOCH[i])) HOUR.append(HOURt) DATE = [] for i in range(0, len(epoch)): DATEt = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(EPOCH[i])) DATE.append(DATEt) Alt = Aa.alt.rad Az = # Compute distance from location to projection point delta_x = [] d_lat = [] d_lon = [] for i in range(0,len(Alt)): delta_xi = [] for j in h: delta_xt = j/np.tan(Alt[i]) delta_xt = delta_xt*u.m**-1 delta_xi.append(delta_xt) delta_x.append(delta_xi) delta_x = np.array(delta_x) for i in range(0,len(Az)): d_latt = delta_x[i,]*np.cos(Az[i]) d_lont = delta_x[i,]*np.sin(Az[i]) d_lat.append(d_latt) d_lon.append(d_lont) d_lat = np.array(d_lat) d_lon = np.array(d_lon) # Compute latitude and longitude of projection points lat_proj = [] lon_proj = [] for i in range(0, len(Alt)): obs_latt = + raddeg*(np.arctan(d_lat[i,]/R_earth*u.m**1)*u.rad**-1) obs_lont = + raddeg*(np.arctan(d_lon[i,]/R_earth*u.m**1)*u.rad**-1) lat_proj.append(obs_latt) lon_proj.append(obs_lont) lat_proj = np.array(lat_proj) lon_proj = np.array(lon_proj) rad = (np.pi)/180 lat_proj_rad = rad*lat_proj lon_proj_rad = rad*lon_proj lambda_0 = rad*lon_origin #T ransform into scan angles lat_origin = np.arctan(((r_pol**2)/(r_eq**2))*np.tan(lat_proj_rad)) r_c = r_pol/(np.sqrt(1-(e**2)*(np.cos(lat_origin))**2)) s_x = H -r_c*np.cos(lat_origin)*np.cos(lon_proj_rad-lambda_0) s_y = -r_c*np.cos(lat_origin)*np.sin(lon_proj_rad-lambda_0) s_z = r_c*np.sin(lat_origin) s = np.sqrt(s_x**2+s_y**2+s_z**2) x = np.arcsin(-s_y/s) y = np.arctan(s_z/s_x) g16_data_fileT = [] xscanT = [] yscanT = [] XT = [] YT = [] LVT = [] # Retrieve Temperature data for i in INDEXP: g16_data = nc_filesT[i] g16_data_fileT.append(g16_data) g16 = Dataset(nc_filesT[i], 'r') xtemp = g16.variables['x'][:] xscanT.append(xtemp) ytemp = g16.variables['y'][:] yscanT.append(ytemp) LVTi = [] Xi = [] Yi = [] for j in range(P_minb, P_maxb+1): Xtemp = np.abs( xtemp-x[i,j]).argmin() Xi.append(Xtemp) Ytemp = np.abs( ytemp-y[i,j]).argmin() Yi.append(Ytemp) LVTtemp = g16.variables['LVT'][Ytemp, Xtemp, j] LVTi.append(LVTtemp) LVT.append(LVTi) XT.append(Xi) YT.append(Yi) LVT = np.array(LVT) # Retrieve Relative humidity data g16_data_fileM = [] xscanM = [] yscanM = [] XM = [] YM = [] LVM = [] for i in INDEXP: g16_dataM = nc_filesM[i] g16_data_fileM.append(g16_dataM) g16M = Dataset(nc_filesM[i], 'r') xtempM = g16M.variables['x'][:] xscanM.append(xtempM) ytempM = g16M.variables['y'][:] yscanM.append(ytempM) LVMi = [] Xi = [] Yi = [] for j in range(P_minb, P_maxb+1): XtempM = np.abs( xtempM-x[i,j]).argmin() Xi.append(XtempM) YtempM = np.abs( ytempM-y[i,j]).argmin() Yi.append(YtempM) LVMtemp = g16M.variables['LVM'][YtempM, XtempM, j] LVMi.append(LVMtemp) LVM.append(LVMi) XM.append(Xi) YM.append(Yi) LVM = np.array(LVM) P = 100*P LVT = LVT-273.15 Pi = P[P_minb:P_maxb+1] # Constants needed and integrand rho_w = 1000 # kg/m**3 g = 9.81 #m/s**2 C = (-1)/(rho_w*g) ev = 100*6.112*LVM*np.exp((17.67*LVT)/(LVT+243.5)) # Partial water vapour pressure in Pa q = (0.622*ev)/(Pi-0.378*ev) #Specific humdity f = 1000*C*q #Complete integrand multiplied by 1000 to get the PWV in mm. # Numerical integration PWV = [] for j in range(0, len(LVT)): integral = 0 for i in range(1, len(Pi)): integral = integral +(Pi[i]-Pi[i-1])*((f[j,i]+f[j,i-1])/2) PWV.append(integral) PWV = np.asarray(PWV) out_date=DATE if plot: # Plot and save data fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(HOUR, PWV, 'bo', ms=4) plt.title('Precipitable Water Vapor along line of sight, {} on {}'.format(site, day[1]), fontsize=26) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=24) plt.yticks(fontsize=24) ax.set_xlabel("Date", color="C0", fontsize =24) ax.set_ylabel("PWV (mm)", color="C0", fontsize =24) RA_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='white', label='RA: {} degrees'.format(Ra)) Dec_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='white', label='Dec: {} degrees'.format(Dec)) every_nth = 6 for n, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()): if n % every_nth != 0: label.set_visible(False) for n, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklines()): if n % every_nth != 0: label.set_visible(False) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(handles=[RA_patch, Dec_patch], loc='lower right', fontsize=22) fig.savefig('PWV_line_of_sight_{}_{}.png'.format(site, day[1])) if csv: np.savetxt('PWV_line_of_sight_{}_{}.csv'.format(site,day[1]), np.column_stack((date, PWV)), delimiter=',' , fmt = '%s', header= 'Time,PWV', comments='') # Computes PWV at zenith elif line_of_sight == 'zenith': # Transform latitude and longitude into scan angles rad = np.pi/180 lambda_0 = rad*lon_origin obs_lat_rad = rad*latt obs_lon_rad = rad*lont lat_origin = np.arctan(((r_pol**2)/(r_eq**2))*np.tan(obs_lat_rad)) r_c = r_pol/(np.sqrt(1-(e**2)*(np.cos(lat_origin))**2)) s_x = H -r_c*np.cos(lat_origin)*np.cos(obs_lon_rad-lambda_0) s_y = -r_c*np.cos(lat_origin)*np.sin(obs_lon_rad-lambda_0) s_z = r_c*np.sin(lat_origin) s = np.sqrt(s_x**2+s_y**2+s_z**2) x = np.arcsin(-s_y/s) y = np.arctan(s_z/s_x) xscanT = [] yscanT = [] # Retrieve Temperature data LVT = [] for i in range(0, len(nc_filesT)): g16_data = nc_filesT[i] g16_data_file.append(g16_data) g16 = Dataset(g16_data_file[i], 'r') xtemp = g16.variables['x'][:] xscanT.append(xtemp) ytemp = g16.variables['y'][:] yscanT.append(ytemp) XT = [] YT = [] LVTi = [] for j in range(0, len(P)): Xtemp = np.abs( xtemp-x).argmin() XT.append(Xtemp) Ytemp = np.abs( ytemp-y).argmin() YT.append(Ytemp) LVTtemp = g16.variables['LVT'][Ytemp, Xtemp, j] LVTi.append(LVTtemp) LVT.append(LVTi) LVT = np.array(LVT) # Retrieve Relative humidity data g16_data_fileM = [] xscanM = [] yscanM = [] LVM = [] for i in range(0, len(nc_filesM)): g16_dataM = nc_filesM[i] g16_data_fileM.append(g16_dataM) g16M = Dataset(g16_data_fileM[i], 'r') xtempM = g16M.variables['x'][:] xscanM.append(xtempM) ytempM = g16M.variables['y'][:] yscanM.append(ytempM) XM = [] YM = [] LVMi = [] for j in range(0, len(P)): XtempM = np.abs( xtempM-x).argmin() XM.append(XtempM) YtempM = np.abs( ytempM-y).argmin() YM.append(YtempM) LVMtemp = g16M.variables['LVM'][YtempM, XtempM, j] LVMi.append(LVMtemp) LVM.append(LVMi) LVM = np.array(LVM) # Change pressure units to Pa and Temperature to K P = 100*P LVT = LVT-273.15 # Constants needed and integrand rho_w = 1000 # kg/m**3 g = 9.81 #m/s**2 C = (-1)/(rho_w*g) #ev = 100*6.11*LVM*10**((7.5*LVT)/(LVT+237.15)) # Partial water vapour pressure in Pa ev = 100*6.112*LVM*np.exp((17.67*LVT)/(LVT+243.5)) q = (0.622*ev)/(P-0.378*ev) #Specific humdity f = 1000*C*q #Complete integrand multiplied by 1000 to get the PWV in mm. # Numerical integration PWV = [] for j in range(0, len(nc_filesT)): integral = 0 for i in range(P_minb+1, P_maxb+1): integral = integral +(P[i]-P[i-1])*((f[j,i]+f[j,i-1])/2) PWV.append(integral) PWV = np.asarray(PWV) out_date=date if plot: # Plot and save data fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(hour, PWV, 'bo', ms=4) plt.title('Precipitable Water Vapor at zenith, {} on {}'.format(site, day[1]), fontsize=26) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=24) plt.yticks(fontsize=24) ax.set_xlabel("Date", color="C0", fontsize =24) ax.set_ylabel("PWV (mm)", color="C0", fontsize =24) every_nth = 6 for n, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()): if n % every_nth != 0: label.set_visible(False) for n, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklines()): if n % every_nth != 0: label.set_visible(False) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig('PWV_at_zenith_{}_{}.png'.format(site, day[1])) if csv: np.savetxt('PWV_zenith_{}_{}.csv'.format(site,day[1]), np.column_stack((date, PWV)), delimiter=',' , fmt = '%s', header= 'Time,PWV', comments='') return out_date, PWV, LVT, LVM #, x, y, latt, lont, P_minb, P_maxb
[docs]def tpw(path,location,plot=False,csv=False): """ Compute the precipitable water vapor (PWV) at ``location`` at zenith or in direction of ``line_of_sight`` using the Total Precipitable Water (TPW) product by NOAA. Parameters ---------- path : str Working directory with GOES-R files in it location : str, {"Cerro Paranal", "San Pedro Martir", "Other"} The input "Other" leads to a dialog window where the user has to enter the latitude and longitude (in degrees) of the location of interest. plot : bool Generate a plot of the PWV at each time. csv : bool Generate a csv file of the PWV at each time. Returns ------- dates : list TPW : `~numpy.ndarray` """ #navigate to directory with .nc data files os.chdir(str(path)) nc_files = glob.glob('*OR_ABI-L2-TPWF*') nc_files = sorted(nc_files) g16_data_file = [] g16nc = [] xscan = [] yscan = [] for i in range(0, len(nc_files)): nc_indx = i g16_data = nc_files[nc_indx] g16_data_file.append(g16_data) g16 = Dataset(g16_data_file[i], 'r') g16nc.append(g16) xtemp = g16nc[i].variables['x'][:] xscan.append(xtemp) ytemp = g16nc[i].variables['y'][:] yscan.append(ytemp) # GOES-R projection info and retrieving relevant constants proj_info = g16nc[0].variables['goes_imager_projection'] lon_origin = proj_info.longitude_of_projection_origin H = proj_info.perspective_point_height+proj_info.semi_major_axis r_eq = proj_info.semi_major_axis r_pol = proj_info.semi_minor_axis e = np.sqrt((r_eq**2-r_pol**2)/(r_eq**2)) rad = (np.pi)/180 if location == 'Cerro Paranal': latitude = -24.6230 longitude = -70.4025 site = 'Cerro Paranal' elif location == 'San Pedro Martir': latitude = 30.9058267 longitude = -115.4254954 site = 'San Pedro Mártir' elif location == 'Other': site = 'Lat; {} degrees Lon: {} degrees.'.format(latitude, longitude) print('First type latitude coordinate, hit Enter, then longitude coordinate and Enter again.') print('Latitude valid range: [-81.3282, 81.3283] \n' 'Longitude valid range: [-156.2995, 6.2995]') print('\n' 'Latitude:') latitude = input() while float(latitude) < -81.3281 or float(latitude) > 81.3283: print('Invalid latitude range. Enter a value between -81.3282 and 81.3283') print('Latitude:') latitude = input() print('\n' 'Longitude:') longitude = input() while float(longitude) < -156.2995 or float(longitude) > 6.2995: print('Invalid longitude range. Enter a value between -156.2995 and 6.2995') print('Longitude:') longitude = input() lat = rad*latitude lon = rad*longitude lambda_0 = rad*lon_origin lat_origin = np.arctan(((r_pol**2)/(r_eq**2))*np.tan(lat)) r_c = r_pol/(np.sqrt(1-(e**2)*(np.cos(lat_origin))**2)) s_x = H -r_c*np.cos(lat_origin)*np.cos(lon-lambda_0) s_y = -r_c*np.cos(lat_origin)*np.sin(lon-lambda_0) s_z = r_c*np.sin(lat_origin) s = np.sqrt(s_x**2+s_y**2+s_z**2) #Convert into scan angles x = np.arcsin(-s_y/s) y = np.arctan(s_z/s_x) X = [] Y = [] TPW = [] for i in range(0,len(nc_files)): Xtemp = np.abs( xscan[i]-x).argmin() Ytemp = np.abs( yscan[i]-y).argmin() X.append(Xtemp) Y.append(Ytemp) TPWtemp = g16nc[i].variables['TPW'][:] TPWtemp = TPWtemp[Y[i],X[i]] TPW.append(TPWtemp) #Record time of measurement t = [] epoch = [] date = [] plottime = [] for i in range(0,len(nc_files)): ttemp = g16nc[i].variables['t'][:] t.append(ttemp) epochtemp = 946728000+ int(t[i]) epoch.append(epochtemp) datetemp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(epoch[i])) date.append(datetemp) plottimetemp = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(epoch[i])) plottime.append(plottimetemp) day = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y", time.gmtime(epoch[1])) if plot: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(plottime, TPW, 'k.', ms=6) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical', fontsize=24) plt.yticks(fontsize=24) ax.set_xlabel("Date", fontsize =24) ax.set_ylabel("PWV [mm]", fontsize =24) every_nth = 6 for n, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()): if n % every_nth != 0: label.set_visible(False) for n, label in enumerate(ax.xaxis.get_ticklines()): if n % every_nth != 0: label.set_visible(False) fig.savefig('TPW_{}_{}.png'.format(site,day), bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.1) if csv: np.savetxt('TPW_{}_{}.csv'.format(site,day), np.column_stack((date, TPW)), delimiter=',' , fmt = '%s', header= 'Time,PWV', comments='') return date,TPW